Ecocenter Rumika-Chernozem Village

Starting point: Ecocenter Rumika (Malomirovo Village) Duration: 2h  (12km). Road: 70% asphalt, 30% dirt road. Difficulty: Begginers. Crossing a dirt road without markings. A guide or GPS are recommended. [sgpx gpx=”/wp-content/uploads/gpx/runtastic_20150620_0901_Cycling.gpx”]

Thracian dolmens near the village of Great Derven

The most significant findings descended from the time of Ancient Thrace in Elhovo definitely are two dolmens that are treasured in South part of the border village of Great Dervent. They were examined in 2005 and in 2007 by Deyan Dichev and by the team of Archaeological Expedition “Strandja”, under the direction of the famous…

“Derventski Heights”

Derventski Heights “were declared a protected area by the Wild Birds Directive by Order No. RD-284 of 16.03.2010 occupies an area of 38696.50 hectares and covering the lands of populated areas – village of Vulcha Polyana, Golyam Dervent village, Granitovo village, village of Lalkovo , Lesovo village Kirilovo village Malomirovo village of Melnitsa, Razdel village, villages of…

Резерват Долна Топчия


Nature reserve “Dolna Topchiya” is maintained reserve, which is stretches on a territory of 467.47 hectares near the town of Elhovo. You can easily reach It with a short walk from the center of Elhovo to the park walking zone. After crossing the bridge over Tundzha River you will find the beginning of the trail, marked…

Гробът на Тракийският владетел от Маломирово - Златиница край Елхово

Tomb OF Malomirovo – Zlatinitsa near Elhovo

In 2005, Grand Mound – part of the necropolis, located between the villages Malomirovo and Zlatinitsa, both near Elhovo, was discovered untouched ruler’s tomb. Thracian ruler, who lived around the middle of IV century BC, died at the age of 18-20 years. In the tomb was buried its full military weapons – iron sword makhaira…